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At Chirantana, we have collectively taken a sankalpa to know and improve ourselves by taking our role models Rama and Hanuma as inspiration. Click here to take your sankalpa.

Knowing Oneself - The Principle Behind Chirantana
The human ability to think allows us to create theories about ourself and the world. With all the suppositions that are made, we misunderstand the world and assume it to be the cause of our thought, feelings, behaviour, and well-being. Vedanta posits that recognition of one’s self allows us to deal with the world wisely, makes us aware of the whats and whys behind each one of our actions, thoughts and feelings; giving both ourselves and others the space to realize who we are. Adopting this school of thought into our lives is Chirantana’s goal, to know oneself and one’s strength for a balanced life - undisturbed and free.
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We offer a range of programmes, courses and initiatives through which you can join the Kishkinda Kutumba and begin the journey towards aatma-jnana.
Pranayama Everyday @ 6 a.m
Except Sundays
Begin your day with mindful breathing and relaxation to sustain your energy and focus throughout.