Chirantana aims to inspire the sadhaka on the path of self knowledge through many routes. The programmes at Chirantana are designed to meet the following objectives:
Development of clarity in speech to improve spoken language. Strengthening of vak-shakti through the right pronunciation of shlokas provides students with the confidence to speak comprehensibly.
Improvement of memory capacity through practice and repetition of shlokas everyday. This develops focus and concentration. Through the process of habit formation, students develop techniques to maintain consistency and discipline in their routines.
Seeking lessons from the world around us to instill passion in ourselves. Viewing others as a source of knowledge and their experience as valuable is an important tool to informed decision making and action. Through exposure to real world struggles and successes, students gain important insights into the functioning of their future and equip themselves with the skills to navigate it.
Learning to apply logic to analyse situations rationally and remove distortions involved in perceiving and interpreting circumstances. The ability to accurately assess each situation helps in formulating appropriate responses and allows students to navigate diverse incidences with ease.
Incluclating the practice of setting one's own standards and evaluating progress against our own past behaviour. Challenging oneself to improve everyday by using benchmarks not defined by the performance or progress of others helps students accurately assess their own standing, take independent decisions and find satisfaction within themselves. Encouragement of change is the cornerstone to constant betterment of the self. It allows us to push our limits safely, and in an informed manner to uncover our true potential.
Development of discriminatory power in individuals to closely inspect all aspects of themselves and decide which aspects are conducive to growth and well-being and which are not. It encourages viewing onself critically yet accepting all parts of oneself, even the ones that needs to be removed. This awareness is vital to the healthy development of any individual's personality.
It is the search for those principles in the shastras that guide our life, those that help us know our true selves. It involves shodhana and adhyayana: the research into these principles through reading and contemplation. This builds the skills of gleaning theoretical principles that can be applied into our daily life.
Teaching students to adopt certain principles and center their thoughts, feelings and actions around those. It emphasises on staying firm and resolute to those values that are important to us, no matter the circumstance. The ability to take a stand helps navigate challenging situations and maintain a sense of direction and purpose through various stages of life.
Through its programmes Chirantana aims to imbibe the sadhaka with theoretical knowledge and practical applications of the principles presented in the Shastras for personal well-being as well as to address pertient questions and problems of modern society.
Chirantana runs the following programmes:
Swa-Avalokanam is a set of modules designed to encourage self awareness and self control based on the principles of Bhagavad Geeta. It involves learning the shlokas; practicing the practicing the shlokas everyday and finding simple solutions to conflicting situations along with researching the principles and meaning behind Bhagavad Geeta shlokas. To know more about the modules and register, click here.
Shaastram Adheemahe is a certificate course in subjects of the Indian Knowledge System (IKS) and Sanskrit. The programme spans across five years. Different subjects of the IKS are covered each year, and five levels of Sanskrit offered by Surasaraswati Sabha, Sringeri is offered across the five years. The courses are offered in two parts, the first half of the year is devoted to IKS and the second half to Sanskrit. To know more about the programme and register, click here.
Shodhana Sangati is a research fellowship programme offered to undergraduate students interested in novel research regarding the Indic Knowledge System such as vedas, vedangas, darshanas, puranas, itihasas and specialised shastras along with their applications in modern fields. Interested students will be guided by postraduate student mentors and industry experts. To register for the fellowship, click here.
Chirantana conducts annual competitions, summer camps, educational sessions and community engagement trips. They are aimed towards active involvement of participants and encouragement of interaction to improve communication, develop empathy, develop solutions to problems, increased self reflection and engage in productive activity. To know more about the variety of programmes offered, click here.
Chirantana organises workshops and sessions with gurus, acharyas and industry professionals to offer exposure to specialised information and connect its participants with knowledgeable experts. To sign up for the upcoming workshops, click here.